21 May 2015

Sunny times are here again...........

I've been tricked into thinking summer has arrived a hundred times already this year before the clouds rolled over and the rain trickled down..... I'm still convinced it's just around the corner though and, like every other person in the British Isles, I'm ready for it. I bought a new bikini months ago, I've already packed away my winter coats and taken all of my light summer dresses out of storage (the suitcase under my bed). One thing I really wanted was new sunglasses, but I kept getting distracted by other things - dresses, playsuits, shoes - and overlooking accessories. It's easy to forget the little touches in favour of the centre-stage items but often they are the additions that really lift a look!

Finally, Bow and Crossbones came to my rescue when I spotted their amazing range of sunglasses (and jewellery - check out their sparkly, wonderful jewellery!). From perfectly rounded 60s stunners to elegant 50s cat-eyes they have something for every retro enthusiast and at £8 a pair they won't break the bank as so much other retro stuff can. Naturally I then bought three pairs because 'they're such good value', 'I'll probably sit on a pair', 'I can co-ordinate to any outfit' etc. etc.

Just look at them! Bedazzled cat-eyes, leopard print and a chunky cream dream Jackie O herself would be jealous of. You can see why I couldn't limit myself to one pair....

Each of these is so compatible with different looks yet gives an instant retro feel. The black cat-eyes would be perfect for those with smaller faces as they're quite dainty in comparison with the others and are perfect for a 50s rockabilly look. The cream pair have a beautiful tan/orange tint to the lenses that soften the blocky shape and create a hazy romanticism that'll make you want to wear daisy chains. The leopard print pair are a classic style that should suit most face shapes (unless you've got a very delicate face) and are my personal favourite. They go with almost everything and make you feel like a film star - what more can you ask? As they are so reasonably priced they're obviously not the quality of designer brands but I've had them rolling around at the bottom of my bag and they've survived just fine so you won't have to instantly replace them. You also don't have to worry about losing them or snapping an arm off which is something I find with £200 sunglasses - you will actually wear these without panicking!

Here they are on in a nifty collage (yeah my IT skills rock!)

And here's another of the leopard print just because.......


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